Friday, June 15, 2012

Boy, that was Julie Cowden

I think I should write about the devising process itself.

I didn't feel all that great about it.

And by that, I mean I didn't think I contributed much to the process itself.  It was hard work - very psychologically demanding.  Most of the time I didn't want to do it because I couldn't see any results coming from all of our efforts. 

But after I read the first draft of Act One, I felt much better about the whole process.  I think Calamity struck just the right balance of humor and yearning that means Chekhov to me.  I just have to keep reminding myself that I had anything to do with that at all. 

Devising is difficult work, but I believe the results will speak for themselves.

A Note from The Ruckus: Common Hatred is opening in just one week on Friday, June 22nd at 8pm at The Side Project Theater (1439 W. Jarvis, Chicago, IL). We hope that you'll join us for opening weekend! You can purchase tickets by visiting Brown Paper Tickets or by calling Elise Mayfield, Marketing Manager, at 205.335.5381. 

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